Thursday 29 July 2010

rural collage

I have decided to use the phrase 'modern rural' to base my summer project on, i have decided on this one as I am at home over the summer and live in the a town in the country and feel i should take advantage of this. I feel that the words modern and rural don't really go together, but seeing as modern describes something now, if its here now then it is modern, although I will focus on things which are typically modern, i have looked at houses and general countryside images from near where I live and have made a collage. I particularly like the  of the colours in countryside images.
I have also had a look at country life magazine and have found some interesting articles on clothes, which I would like to scan in but seeing as my scanner and printer is in leeds this may be difficult.

Thursday 22 July 2010

Modern rural

Rural refers to an area that isn't built up so non-metropolitan areas, opposite to urban.
A rural area is defined as a place where there is less than 1000 people per square mile, and to me refers to country people and the countryside in general, where things aren't built up.
Modern refers to the modern era, and is term meaning now, say something wouldn't be in the distant past or far away future then it would be modern.
Modern rural would refer to aspects of the rural areas of the world which are modern, I see this as quite contradictory as in general things in rural areas are not modern. I live in a town in the countryside in hampshire, although they town isn't necessarily rural itself it is surrounded by lots of tiny villages and fields which are in fact very rural, although modern it is definitely not.
I have included a picture from an aeroplane of Petersfield the town I am from.

Smeared Graphic

Smear, or smeared firstly means that something is smudged, or spread about. For example smeared make-up is when its not wear it should be and is all over the face, usually rubbed off, therefore making it look like a mess. Although the first thing the word 'smeared' makes me think of is a smear test where tissue or blood is smeared onto glass so it can be diagnosed under a microscope.
It also describes something being spread everywhere 'its smeared all over the newspaper', in general I don't think smeared is a very pleasant word.
Smeared graphic would mean to me, something graphic, maybe art, text or computer based but spread and blurred, maybe not on purpose, something smeared wouldn't seem to be on purpose, it would look messy. But it could also mean that it is everywhere, say a graphic poster could be all over town hense it would be smeared all over town.

Cultural Overlay

A persons culture depends on how and where they have been brought up, what is around them and the people they are friends with, in my mind your culture is like your 'roots' so is therefore where you're from, I think it also has a lot to do with religion and different religious rituals ans beliefs.
I think a cultural overlay would be where different cultures have mixed together, I think this is becoming increasingly popular with mixed raced marriages, people from different cultures living in the same towns/streets, and in general people being more open to discussion with what they believe in. For example in London, chinatown brings Chinese cultures into the capital of England.

Hyperreal outdoors

Hyper-reality is almost the inability to distinguish between reality and fantasy, especially in technology, it is recognised within symbols where people see something as having a meaning, for example a King would wear a crown and this would resemble his high power and that he is in charge, whereas in reality it is just a crown, a fancy hat in some-ways which anyone could put on their head.
I therefore see Hyperreal outdoors as a place that looks and seams real but isn't it is false made to look like the place it is meant to be, say like a football pitch with false grass, or a beach that is indoors.