Saturday 29 May 2010

PPD Presentation

I gave a presentation based on how I have found my first year at Uni including strengths and weaknesses, I don't feel as if I managed to get out what I wanted to say and kept repeating myself as the nerves got the better of me. I feel over all with the course I did expect to learn more making but understand why the course is set out as it is and as Angie said you must learn to walk before you can run. There is nothing stopping me doing extra making and pattern cutting in my own time and I would really like to start doing this as well as making more of my own clothes. I struggled with my words with the presentation but wanted to say that overall i am happy with the course and have had a good year, although uni wasn't what I expected and struggled at the beginning as I live in private unipol flats where I didn't get into halls and could not afford some of the bigger private halls, where I live is very anti-social but luckily made some really good friends on the course and have a good friend in my flat too. I feel more 'getting to know each other' exercises were needed during freshers as it was the social aspect that made me really not enjoy my first few months at Uni, wanting to come home a lot, more recently I have been a lot happier and am going to really miss some of the amazing people I have met in Leeds over the summer.

Friday 21 May 2010

Craft package hangers

Final maxi skirt - Interdisciplinary

These are the pictures of my final maxi skirt and the craft package that accompanies it, I made the skirt from strips of fabric which I had ruffled some of which I had sewn into as well, I then stapled these together in the shape of pattern pieces I had already made. Problems that occurred where that the staples wouldn't hold any slightly thick pieces of fabric so I also added some glue onto the skirt, the skirt is also heavy which made it slightly difficult to work with, with the amount of staples too it really strained my hand, so feel maybe glueing it in the first place would have been a better idea.

My crafts package includes a garment bag with some ruffles on it, two hangers and a set of labels, one old with my name and some small rocks, another a leaflet to make the exhibition piece seem more like its in a exhibition and another a necklace I made by sticking a rock to a chain.

Thursday 20 May 2010

PPD third year assistant day 5

This week I helped Uzma by unpicking some of her garments and cutting some bits of binding out, I then went to town to get some garment bags and a zip for her, when I came back she got me to look through her photoshoot photos and play with the lighting and edit them slightly then add on her logo in different ways to create possible poster ideas for her development.

Monday 17 May 2010

Skirt swing tag

For this interdisciplinary module as well as a skirt we must make a crafts package that goes along with it, I have decided to make my swing ticket in the style of a information label about the skirt and metamorphic rocks which inspired the skirt, this is my attempt below, I am thinking of encasing it in a sewn plastic case and hanging it with a small piece of ruffled fabric.

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Making of the metamorphic rock maxi skirt...

I am making a maxi skirt, inspired from metamorphic rocks, i have used ruffled fabric stapled together, here are some pictures from the making process...

Third year 4

Today was pretty much similar to the other, firstly I cut out a pattern piece for an arm, then went to town to pick up some bits, then came back and went back to town for some more bits.

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Third year 3

Today started with a tutorial, we discussed our third years we are assisting, we came to the conclusion that I should ask for more challenging jobs of which I could learn things from, although positive things were that what I am doing is of use. Then I helped out a little bit with another task as my third year wasn't in until later. Then I ironed and photographed her toiles, printed these and then researched octopuses, padded shoulders and padded hips.
Here are some examples of the work I have done: