Saturday 13 November 2010

West Yorkshire playhouse costume dept

We went to the wardrobe department at the west yorkshire playhouse to look at some of the costumes and look at some of the costumes, focusing on tailoring as part of our tailoring module, I found it very interesting and really enjoyed looking at all the costumes and details.

Monday 8 November 2010

Final prints displayed

I decided to print my final prints on glossy paper and mount them on mount board with spray mount.
I decided to print the two most powerful and interesting images in a3 and the other 4 in a4, i cut out two of the images as i thought 6 was a better number, i decided to have them at the side surrounding the smaller images making them look like a set together. I am very pleased with these outcomes and would quite like them on my wall in my house when they have been marked.

Sunday 7 November 2010

Ideas for print...

I think my two strongest images are the one I did with a dark background and used lighting that is only on half of her face (with polka dotted make-up) and the one where i drew eyes on top of her eyelids, this one is my personal favourite.
I also really like the one with glasses because i think the angel, pose and lighting looks really good, I also like the the make-up with green glitter, dots and blue lips. I am also a fan of the webbed sides if the face, mainly because i have chosen the image where she is pulling a face and I really like these, i don't want these to to any old beauty shot, the idea wasn't to take beautiful photograpahs of beautiful people, i want them to be deeper than that and be visually interesting.

Thursday 4 November 2010

Applied Fashion Design Presentation

I had my presentation for applied fashion design were i had to try and sell my trend book and capsule collection to a potential buyer (which was actually my tutor) I was very well prepared which really helped, and was quite sure about my collection and trend book being suitable and correct, I also had a envelope of goodies advertising my brand. Although I was extremely nervous, as i am with presentation, and repeated myself and hesitated a bit, i think i managed to get what i wanted to say across, and the review i was given was good, so hopefully this pays off in my grade.

Wednesday 3 November 2010


I have made a little package to give to paul (my tutor) when i give my presentation, in hope that my brand will be remembered, its consists of a printed envelope and small booklet with fabric samples, some postcards and some toffees i have covered with my own printed wrapper, i will also print out my presentation to give him. I want to include something very personal but time is against me as are the ideas.
It is only back-to-front in the photo as i took the photo with my computer and it makes things back-to-front.

Presentation...applied fashion design

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Monday 1 November 2010

Final line up

Its taken a while but Ive come up with my illustrations for my final line they are, now just need to crack on with the presentation. I have fabric samples to attach but might put them in the work up as they may ruin the illustrations...

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Contextual studies introduction yr2

Yesterday we had our first seminar to contextual studies year two, all in all im a bit scared as writing and academic work at all is far from my strong point, but after letting this side of the course let me down so much last year I am determined to do well and try hard, I want to contribute more in class and do well in the tasks and most importantly know what is actually going on, not being afraid to ask for help when I don't know what to do, which judging by last year will be most of the time.